Frequently Asked Questions about CA Intermediate Exam

After successfully clearing the CA foundation paper, the next big test in the path to becoming a chartered accountant is the CA intermediate exam. While a huge number of students appear for the exam, the percentage of students that successfully crack it is very low. Due to the difficulty level of the paper, it’s important that students are consistent in their efforts and put in long hours of study.

While the preparations are in full swing, students have a million questions regarding the exam. Unfortunately, they either don’t find the right answers, or they are unsatisfactory. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the CA intermediate exam.

1. Which are the subjects you should spend more time on?

The CA Intermediate paper consists of 8 subjects, which are all equally important. However, certain subjects require more time to prepare than others. Those subjects are Corporate & Other Laws, Auditing & Assurance, and Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management. Students usually find it difficult to cope with these subjects.
Let’s take a look at how you can be well prepared for these subjects: 

  • Corporate & Other Laws - Understand the reason behind various laws and provisions instead of trying to learn them by heart. It makes them easier to remember. Regularly solving CA intermediate question paper is an added accessory to test your knowledge.

  • Auditing & Assurance - This subject includes many topics. A smart way to study is to jot down the important points of each topic. It will enable you to write the answers in your own words based on the points. Also, remember to highlight the key points in the paper. It will catch the invigilator’s attention and thus, you will stand a better chance at clearing the paper.

  • Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management - This subject helps students to develop an understanding of technology-enabled Information Systems and their impact on enterprise-wide processes, risks, and controls. The best way to learn this subject is to prepare flowcharts as one process leads to another, and creating PPTs that highlight key points.

2. How important is it to give a mock test series?

It is crucial that you buy a CA intermediate test series. It allows you to understand your strengths and weaknesses, calculate the time taken for each question, and focus on the areas you can improve. It is a vital information that helps you prepare better for your exam, as well as helps in creating an exam strategy. 

3. How to avail exemption in CA IPCC papers?

To understand exemption in CA IPCC, we have to first understand the criteria to pass. In order to pass the exam, a student has to:

  • Score 40% in each subject 

  • Score 50% overall (in single or both groups)

If either criteria isn’t fulfilled, students have to attempt the entire group again. However, there are a few exceptions. This is where the concept of exemption comes into play. Exemption is only provided when the student has scored 60% in one paper. Let’s take 3 different situations to have a better understanding. Remember, one group is of 400 marks i.e 4 papers of 100 marks each. 

If the student has secured 40 marks in each paper, he/she has scored 160 in total. However, this doesn’t fulfill the second criteria and the student has to attempt the whole group again.

If the student has secured 39, 55, 55, 55 in four papers, he/she has scored 204 in total. Since the score in the first paper is below 40%, it doesn’t fit the first criteria and the student has to attempt the entire group again.

If the student has secured 62, 39, 55, 55 in four papers, he/she has scored 211 in total. Since the score in the second paper is below 40%, it doesn’t fit the first criteria and the student has to attempt the entire group again. However, the score in the first paper is above 60% so, the student will get an exemption in that paper in the re-attempt.

An exemption can be carried forward for only 3 re-attempts. Exemption is valid only in the main attempt of the student and not in the re-attempts. 

These are some of the most frequently asked questions among students regarding the CA intermediate exam. Hope we have answered it well enough to clear all the queries. We wish the students well with their preparations!


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